Install Windows Server 2008 from a USB stick

Here is how you can create a Bootable Windows Server 2008 USB Stick C:\> diskpart DISKPART> list disk Select the USB device DISKPART> select disk 1 DISKPART> clean DISKPART> create partition primary DISKPART> select partition 1 DISKPART> active DISKPART> format fs=fat32 DISKPART> assign DISKPART> exit xcopy X:\*.* /s/e/f Y:\ where X:\ is your mounted image … Read more

Boot SeaTools off of a USB Drive Seagate SeaTools is free hard drive testing software. SeaTools for DOS runs independent from your operating system on its own CD or bootable USB drive. You do not need to own a Seagate or Maxtor hard drive to use SeaTools. Download the SeaTools for DOS ISO file Use 7-Zip to open the SeaTools for DOS … Read more

MIT Flow Battery Promises Cheap Energy Storage Can you imagine filling up your electric car like you do with your gasoline car? You would need to do a fluid exchange though.

EV Charging Stations and battery types

Level 1 charging is 110/120 volts. Most plug-in electric vehicles can be recharged overnight from a regular three-prong household wall socket (110/120 volts). Level 2 charging is 220/240V charging, the type found at most charging stations and easily installed in most homes for a few hundred dollars. Many models can fully charge in approximately 5 hours in a 240V outlet. Level … Read more

Scientists Develop High-Efficiency, Low-Cost Zinc-Air Battery. Scientists Develop High-Efficiency, Low-Cost Zinc-Air Battery. Stanford Scientists Develop High-Efficiency Zinc-Air Battery [05/28/2013 11:17 PM] by Anton Shilov Stanford University scientists have developed an advanced zinc-air battery with higher catalytic activity and durability than similar batteries made with costly platinum and iridium catalysts. The results could lead to the development of a low-cost alternative … Read more

Get the SID for all the computer accounts in AD

if you’re an admin on the domain and all your computers are up and running you could try PSGETSID.EXE from what used to be Sysinternals (now part of Microsoft). Command would be something like: PSGETSID \\* > sid.txt…s/default.aspx