Manually add Kubernetes worker node label

$ kubectl label nodes worker1 node/worker1 labeled $ k get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION control1 Ready control-plane 19d v1.26.0 worker1 Ready worker 19d v1.26.0 worker2 Ready 19d v1.26.0  

Get a quick overview of kubernetes node resources

kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.capacity}’ | jq { “cpu”: “2”, “ephemeral-storage”: “80901592Ki”, “hugepages-1Gi”: “0”, “hugepages-2Mi”: “0”, “memory”: “4012204Ki”, “pods”: “110” }

Metal LB with Nginx Ingress Controller on Bare Metal Kubernetes

Exposing your services in a manged Kubernetes service such as EKS, AKS or GKE is much simpler as once you deploy a Kubernetes service with a type load balancer, it would deploy the relative cloud native load balancer for you. When it comes to Kubernetes clusters which are deployed on bare metal, this option is … Read more

Kubernetes Basics Cheatsheet

Kubernetes Architecture Components Master Node: The control plane of the cluster, responsible for managing the state of the cluster, scheduling and managing workloads, and providing a centralized configuration. Worker Nodes: These are the machines (physical or virtual) that run your applications and services. Pods are scheduled on worker nodes, and the containers within those pods … Read more

Install CRI-O Container Runtime on Ubuntu 22.04|20.04|18.04

Step 1: Update System Ensure your Ubuntu system is updated. If you’re afraid this could break your system you can skip. sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade It is recommended to reboot your system to ensure it is running on updated version. [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && sudo reboot -f Step 2: Add … Read more

How ClusterIP Services Work in Kubernetes

How ClusterIP Services Work in Kubernetes 🪄Smart summary: This thread explains how Kubernetes Services work. Services exist only in etcd, and there is no process listening on the Service’s IP address and port. Instead, traffic to the Service’s IP is intercepted by iptables rules, which know to forward the traffic to one of the … Read more

Kubernetes vs. Docker The differences and similarities between two of the most influential open source projects of 2018. Kubernetes versus Docker is a topic that has been raised numerous times in the cloud computing industry. Whether you come from a non-technical background and need a quick introduction or if you need to make a business decision, I … Read more